Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Garlic: A Therapeutic Herb

Fresh, raw garlic, is one of  those foods, I think, you should always have available in your kitchen. I love garlic. I love it's flavor, aroma, and it's health benefits.  As the cold and flu season draws near, using fresh organic garlic in your cooking is a good way to increase the disease-fighting potency of your meals.

Garlic has long been used for it's therapeutic effects. Garlic is antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral. According to "Medical News Today", garlic reduces the risk for heart disease as well as osteoarthritis. The research organization, Cochrane Database, has apparently reviewed studies on garlic. They report that those who took garlic daily for 3 months had fewer colds than those who took a placebo. Also, they found that when one did contract a cold, it's duration was shorter for those taking garlic daily.  

To activate garlic's medicinal properties, the clove must be chopped or compressed, then consumed within one hour. 

To Your Good Health!


Monday, September 2, 2013

Probiotics Linked to Reduced Risk of Allergies

Probiotics Linked to Reduced Risk of Allergies

We are discovering more and more about how our "gut" is a good indicator of our overall health. Make sure you eat plenty of organic fruits and vegetables and fermented vegetables. Yogurt, as long as you keep the sugar low, and perhaps probiotic supplements. 

Please click on the link above for the complete article and to learn more.

To Your Good Health!
