Thursday, March 31, 2011

Raw Almonds From Your Store Not Really Raw

I love almonds, RAW organic almonds. They're nutritious, full of protein, and taste so good! Raw organic almonds are a "live" food. You can plant raw almonds and they will sprout, which indicates that they are vibrant and alive! Cooked or pasteurized almonds will not sprout if planted, which indicates a dead nut with no remaining life force.

Pasteurized almonds are inferior to real raw, organic almonds, and have lost their life force through the heating process. As far as I can tell, raw organic almonds have never been associated with a documented case of illness at any time in man's recorded history. Organic raw almonds are very safe in raw form.

Yet, in September of 2007, The Almond Board of California, backed by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), put into effect a Directive that requires all almonds to be pasteurized! This means that the almonds must now go through a heat process that kills microorganisms by exposing them to high temperatures. This high temperature process, better known as pasteurization, not only kills all bacteria and microorganisms, but also kills the enzymes and living qualities of the almond.

So if you purchase raw almonds at a local store or health food market, they are not raw. Not even if they are labeled as raw! Here we go again, truth in labeling. Because of the 2007 Directve, raw almonds that have been pasteurized still can be labeled raw!  It is no longer required to disclose that in fact, these almonds have been pasteurized by either high heat, a nerve gas-like agent, or radiation. Is this not a deceptive practice? Does this maybe smell of corporate lobbying?

Thankfully, you can still find truly raw organic almonds. The Directive only applies to processors or ‘handlers’ of almonds. These companies normally buy from the growers and sell to retail chains and stores. But there is a loophole. If the grower sells directly to the consumer, they are not required to pasteurize their almond crops. In order to get truly raw, unheated and live almonds, you have to search for a grower that sells raw organic almonds direct to consumers.

Organic farming practices are truly more healthful than modern, non-organic methods. Sun rays light the open spaces of organically managed orchards, allowing grass, fungi, and other organic organisms to grow in the middle of the orchard floors. The resulting mycelium helps to decompose things such as animal waste and regenerate the soil.

Conventional orchards are densely planted, which interferes with sunlight shining through. With little sunlight, and heavy use of herbicides and pesticides, conventional orchards have virtually no growth of grass or biodiversity on the orchard floors. Thus, animal waste deposited by the random orchard visitor such as coyotes or other animals, does not decompose effectively. It makes sense then, that the conventional orchard is more susceptible to contamination than the sunlight drenched, bio-diverse living organic orchard floors where animal waste decomposes quickly.

The "sterile is better" theory of conventional farming increases the incidence of pathogenic bacteria making its way into the food chain. Organic farming practices reduce the incidence of pathogens being generated in the first place. Good beneficial bacteria join the food chain. Organic farming actually improves the safety of our foods, supporting the importance of ingesting organic, unprocessed whole foods. The way Mother Nature intended. Life is a full circle and our foods are meant to fuel us as well as boost our immune system and keep us healthy. Mother Nature's way protects our earth and helps to keep life in balance.

Whole foods build the immune system and provide the required building blocks of life. Conventionally produced farm products end up highly processed and modified from their original form. They no longer carry their nutritional and healthful values.

So once again, the American Consumer has been denied a choice in raw vs. processed food, i.e., almonds. Food freedom cannot exist when labels not only don't tell us the truth, but in fact tell a lie. Food freedom is health freedom. There can be no good health without the freedom to eat living whole foods.

I firmly believe that in order to stay healthy and prevent disease, we must take a stand against processed, sterilized, immune-depressing foods. We must be able to choose what we eat and not have it forced upon us by the government or greedy corporations. Additionally, we must insist on no more deceptive labeling of our foods! Until then I, for one, will no longer trust food labels.

To Your Good Health!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Gluten-Free Cinnamon Rolls

Gluten-Free Cinnamon Rolls - Are You Kidding Me? OMG, it sounds great on this windy, wet and snowy day! I don't have all of the ingredients today. Hopefully someone will and tell me how they are. I have not had a cinnamon roll in sooo many years. I may have to cut the sugar by 50% for myself but I think it will be worth the effort.

Please paste the following link into your browser to read the full recipe. 

To Your Good Health!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Birke Baehr - "What's Wrong With Our Food System"

This is an awesome short video that says so much...and the speaker is an 11 year old boy! If he and other kids get it, what's wrong with Congress? We all need to wake up and take a stand!

This kid has it going on! Please take the time to watch this short video...we can change things, one kid at a time.

Please paste the following link into your browser to learn more.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Gluten-Free Cranberry Rice Bran Muffin

Please copy and paste the link below to read more about this "appointment" recipe!

To Your Good Health!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Shrimp Étouffée

Étouffée basically means "smothered". I love cajun dishes and this is one I'm definitely going to try soon. For those of us with gluten sensitivity, be sure to use gluten-free flour and you may need to replace the rice with a gluten-free pasta.

Please copy and paste the link below to read the full recipe.

To Your Good Health!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Unfermented Soy Contributes to Illness

Soy--another ingredient in almost all of our processed foods. It has been touted as a healthful dairy replacement and actually a health food. Also as a good source of estrogen for menopausal women. Right? 

Please don't take everything you hear for granted. Those are mostly advertising claims. Unless soy is fermented, it can cause many allergic reactions for years. As well as infertility!  Instead, I like to eat Tempeh, a fermented soybean cake with a firm texture and nut-like flavor. It crumbles up into casseroles and scrambles for a meat-like consitency. I also love Miso soup, a Japanese dish made of fermented soybean paste with a salty, buttery flavor and texture.

Please copy and paste the following link to read more from Dr. Mercola on unfermented soy and why we need to exclude it from our diets.

To Your Good Health!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Stuffed Red Bell Peppers

This looks like a delicious gluten-free meal to try. However, like usual, I would exclude the cheese or at least try a drier cheese!
Please copy and paste the following link into your browser window for the recipe.
To Your Good Health!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Parsnip Soup with Leeks and Parsley Recipe

Green, my favorite color! Please copy and paste the link below to learn more about this recipe.

 To Your Good Health!

Protect our kids from toxic mercury

By Mary Anne Hitt, Special to CNN
March 16, 2011 1:01 p.m. EDT
Mercury levels in our fish and diets are a serious concern. Please copy and paste the following link to read more.

To Your Good Health!

Lipitor Paradox

LIPITOR can cause serious muscle problems that can lead to kidney problems, including kidney failure and liver problems...
Please copy and paste the following link into your browser window to learn more.

To Your Good Health!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Chicken Cacciatore in a Slow Cooker

This recipe was originally from Swanson and given to me by my sister to try. What you see here is a modified version of it and is absolutely delicious! I hope you enjoy it as well.

All ingredients organic

1 tsp olive oil                          5 oz. Portobello mushrooms, cut in half
3 chicken breasts, skin            5 oz. Shitake mushrooms, cut in half
removed                                  2 small red peppers, 2 small orange/yellow pepper, cut into
                                                2" long strips
4 cloves garlic, minced           1 cup Chicken Stock
2 tsp. Italian seasoning           2 tsp. Kirkland no-salt organic seasoning
1 can (28oz.) crushed             1 pkg. (16 oz.) gluten-free fettuccine, spaghetti  tomatoes                                 or pappardelle

Heat oil in 12' skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook until well browned on both sides. Stir garlic, Italian seasoning, Kirkland no-salt seasoning, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, pepper and 1 cup stock in 6-qt. slow cooker. Add chicken and turn to coat. Cover and cook on LOW 6 hours or until chicken is cooked through.  Serve with fettuccine or other pasta.

To Your Good Health!

Colcannon Recipe

Colcannon, a St. Patrick's day favorite.  If you have never had it, it is a dish of mashed potatoes and the wonderful vegetable kale, chard, cabbage, or other leafy green. A well-combined (alkaline) dish of high water content vegetable and starch. Be sure to use organic vegetables, butter and organic raw milk. The organic butter and organic raw milk (unpasteurized from hormone and antibiotic-free cows) are basically neutral foods. Non-organic butter and pasteurized, homogenized milk, are acid-forming foods that will interfere with proper digestion and change your body's pH to a more acidic and unhealthful level.

Please copy and paste the link below into your browser window to see the entire recipe.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

To Your Good Health!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

USDA Approves Genetically Engineered Sugar Beets, Without Appropriate Approvals!

The USDA will allow some farmers to grow genetically engineered sugar beets this spring, without an environmental impact study.

Please paste the following link into your browser window to read more about this scary and astonishing new path our food is taking. We must stop the government from allowing companies like Monsanto, with their Genetically Engineered or Modified seeds and foods, to overtake all of our crops by legal and illegal bullying!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Gluten-Free Mushroom & Herb Pizza

You can also now buy gluten-free pizza crust dough mix at the store, if you don't want to make it from scratch. I've enjoyed gluten-free pizza with no meat or cheese for years now. At times, I've also excluded the sauce. It's always a treat! In fact, Amy's makes a great organic vegetarian frozen pizza, with no cheese, that is excellent and you can find it in your store's frozen food section. It is not, however, gluten-free.

This recipe includes cheese.  Exclude it once and I think you'll be surprised at how good a pizza can be, sans cheese.

Please paste the following link in your browser window to find the recipe.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fibromyalgia and Thyroid Disease

When I first visited my wellness doctor, Chester C. Granka, D.C. in Oroville, Ca, with regards to my fibromyalgia and chronic pain, he recommended I go through his Nutrition Response Testing. This program would indicate if I was deficient in any important enzymes and point out any food allergies I may have. 

The Nutrition Response Testing uncovered many problems, with the highest priority being my thyroid. When I asked him if it was hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, he responded that it was actually not classified as either. I had a thyroid that wasn't responding or working properly. There was a "block" somewhere.

I have been a health nut my whole life. A proponent of exercise and proper nutrition. How was it I had a thyroid problem? Well, I was also 50+ years old with a lifetime of eating processed foods and supplementing with lots of vitamins. I also never paid attention to what foods I combined in a meal so that they would not cause digestive problems.

After being on Dr. Granka's Nutrition Program for about 9 months, I realized that I wasn't experiencing any of my fibromyalgia symptoms and my chronic pain had subsided to almost nil! This was all done naturally by making appropriate changes to my diet and taking enzyme supplements from the doc. 

Wow! I felt, and still do feel, sooo much better! He uncovered many food allergies that I have which were contributing to my ailments. So part of the fix is not  to eat those foods that I'm allergic to anymore; msg, wheat gluten, rice, oats, soy, non-organic eggs, non-organic pateurized milk. I was also ingesting too much sugar, a big problem for me with my sweet tooth. 

It's a little more work buying the proper foods, but it is more than worth the extra effort. I read labels! I pay attention to how much sugar is in the food. I avoid foods that contain what I'm allergic to. I avoid foods with synthetic vitamins added. (My doc has a list of synthetic vitamins.) I buy fresh, local,  organic produce. I avoid red meat like beef. I don't buy farmed fish, only wild caught. 

I don't drink soda! Did you know that it takes about 32 glasses of alkaline water to neutralize 1 soda in your system? Sodas are very acidic and have a pH of 2.8. Another important fact to better nutrition is to pay attention to your body's pH level. Just like testing your pool water to make sure the pH level is appropriate. Is it too acidic, too alkaline, or just right? 

The proper pH for our bodies is about 7.0. The pH of foods will change, usually becoming more acidic when cooked. So proper mixing, or combining of the foods you eat at a meal is very important. It isn't just foods that make us acidic. Prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs may be highly acidic, as well as alcohol and recreational drugs. Toxic thoughts are also Acid, as positive thought, meditation, prayer, peace, kindness and love support more Alkaline!

So, it seems to me that thyroid hormone is an extremely important ingredient to look at in the treatment of fibromyalgia, just as Dr. Lowe suggests in this article. 

To read more about fibromyalgia and thyroid disease, please follow the link below or paste it in your browser window.

To Your Better Health!