Saturday, February 5, 2011

GRAINS - Not As Good For Us As We Thought

I had been suffering from chronic pain, fatigue, and fibromyalgia for years. When I first complained of my body aches to my Chiropractor/Wellness Doctor (Chester Granka, DC, Oroville, CA), he suggested my first course of action should be to cut back on my intake of grains. "Grains?" I questioned. "Yes, grains" he repeated. "Cut back on your grains by 50% and see how you feel." 

He went on to tell me that in his experience, about 50% of his patients have an allergy to one or more grains and they can cause our bodies a lot of problems. "We're not meant to eat that many grains", Dr. Granka said. "We were originally nomads before we became farmers" and added that grains were a small part of our diet.
Anyway, it turned out he was right. I'm allergic to oat, rice, & wheat gluten. It's been tough, but by reducing my grain intake to only gluten free, spelt, or ancient grains, I can feel the difference! 

It also turns out that this was just one layer of many of my problematic layers. I went on Dr. Granka's Nutrion Program and after only 8 months, realized I had no more symptoms of fibromyalgia! He also corrected some thyroid problems I had. 

More on that later. Right now, I wanted to share with you this blog on grains I ran across, to help "pay it forward" so to speak.

Enjoy your reading!

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