Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fibromyalgia and Thyroid Disease

When I first visited my wellness doctor, Chester C. Granka, D.C. in Oroville, Ca, with regards to my fibromyalgia and chronic pain, he recommended I go through his Nutrition Response Testing. This program would indicate if I was deficient in any important enzymes and point out any food allergies I may have. 

The Nutrition Response Testing uncovered many problems, with the highest priority being my thyroid. When I asked him if it was hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, he responded that it was actually not classified as either. I had a thyroid that wasn't responding or working properly. There was a "block" somewhere.

I have been a health nut my whole life. A proponent of exercise and proper nutrition. How was it I had a thyroid problem? Well, I was also 50+ years old with a lifetime of eating processed foods and supplementing with lots of vitamins. I also never paid attention to what foods I combined in a meal so that they would not cause digestive problems.

After being on Dr. Granka's Nutrition Program for about 9 months, I realized that I wasn't experiencing any of my fibromyalgia symptoms and my chronic pain had subsided to almost nil! This was all done naturally by making appropriate changes to my diet and taking enzyme supplements from the doc. 

Wow! I felt, and still do feel, sooo much better! He uncovered many food allergies that I have which were contributing to my ailments. So part of the fix is not  to eat those foods that I'm allergic to anymore; msg, wheat gluten, rice, oats, soy, non-organic eggs, non-organic pateurized milk. I was also ingesting too much sugar, a big problem for me with my sweet tooth. 

It's a little more work buying the proper foods, but it is more than worth the extra effort. I read labels! I pay attention to how much sugar is in the food. I avoid foods that contain what I'm allergic to. I avoid foods with synthetic vitamins added. (My doc has a list of synthetic vitamins.) I buy fresh, local,  organic produce. I avoid red meat like beef. I don't buy farmed fish, only wild caught. 

I don't drink soda! Did you know that it takes about 32 glasses of alkaline water to neutralize 1 soda in your system? Sodas are very acidic and have a pH of 2.8. Another important fact to better nutrition is to pay attention to your body's pH level. Just like testing your pool water to make sure the pH level is appropriate. Is it too acidic, too alkaline, or just right? 

The proper pH for our bodies is about 7.0. The pH of foods will change, usually becoming more acidic when cooked. So proper mixing, or combining of the foods you eat at a meal is very important. It isn't just foods that make us acidic. Prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs may be highly acidic, as well as alcohol and recreational drugs. Toxic thoughts are also Acid, as positive thought, meditation, prayer, peace, kindness and love support more Alkaline!

So, it seems to me that thyroid hormone is an extremely important ingredient to look at in the treatment of fibromyalgia, just as Dr. Lowe suggests in this article. 

To read more about fibromyalgia and thyroid disease, please follow the link below or paste it in your browser window.

To Your Better Health!


  1. Fibromyalgia and thyroid problems often go together. That is why I always ask my doctor for a TSH. When she checked my thyroid and ended up putting me on a low dose of thyroid supplements .

  2. Thank you, Samantha, for your comment on UrUrFood. I'm glad to hear you're getting your thyroid symptoms taken care of. To Your Good Health!
