Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Buy Local

Staying healthy and keeping our immune system in peak condition requires that we pay attention to the fuel we feed our bodies. The better the fuel, the better your body is going to operate.

That means eating raw, whole foods. That means, stop buying processed foods! That's tough to think about in our fast-paced society, I know. However, think about this; if you stop buying processed foods, you'll slow down your grocery shopping & really pay attention to what you're feeding your family. Slowing down means alleviating some stress. Alleviating stress boosts your immune system, eases depression, and has many other helpful benefits.

By not buying processed foods you will also be supporting your local farmers more and corporations less. Buying food and other products locally, boosts the local economy. This week I'll be at my local Cooperative once again to purchase good quality, locally grown & raised, organic food. This makes me feel good not only from the nutrional benefits I will derive, but also because I am supporting my local farmers and neighbors when doing so.

Good fuel, of course, consists of plenty of fresh organic fruits and vegetables. More vegetables than fruits. Fruits have fructose or sugar, and too much fruit can easily equate to too much sugar.

Healthy Shopping!

-Cheryl Graham

1 comment:

  1. In 'Farmer in Chief', Michael Pollan wrote, "What happens in the field influences every other link of the food chain on up to our meals." Let's ensure that our fields thrive; let's buy local; let's join the food revolution!
